If not, you’ll definitely want to grab it because Vendor Price is one of the most important addons for making gold. If you’re the sort of player who prefers to buy WoW EU TBC gold instead of farming it, you can probably skip this addon. The developers themselves realized this eventually, which is why later expansions have a built-in quest helper that works pretty much exactly like Questie. However, the truth is that it only makes them more annoying. Purists might say that not having access to the information provided by addons like Questie makes the quests more challenging and enjoyable.

Otherwise, all you have to go on is the quest text found in your journal, which is often vague and/or not very helpful. That sort of information is absolutely essential if you want to level up at a reasonable pace.

The addon doesn’t just help you complete current quests but also shows you where to find quests you haven’t discovered yet and even tells you their level requirements. Just as its name suggests, this addon acts like a quest helper that shows important objectives and other useful information on your map. Questie is hands down one of the most important addons you’ll need when playing Burning Crusade Classic.